A powerful trailer of the movie Sye Raa is out today. The trailer looks very promising and has undoubtedly impressed fans of Mega Star Chiranjeevi. The movie has big star cast from PAN India level & releasing in five languages (Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada & Malayalam). This movie features actors like Megastar Chiranjeevi, Amitabh Bachchan, Jagapathi Babu, Nayanthara, Kiccha Sudeep, Vijay Sethupathi, Tamannaah & others in important roles. Moreover, the movie has a special appearance of Bahubali actress Anushka Sheety. The film has locked its release date on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti. So, we can expect some unexpected things in the movie which can be known only after its release on 2nd October, 2019.
The story is based on the true events from the life of the first Indian freedom fighter "Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy". Chiranjeevi son Ram Charan Tej is producing this movie on the banner of Konidela Production Company. The movie is said to be made with a budget of Rs.250 crore. And, this is the 2nd highest budget India movie of this year after Saaho. As per the latest news circulating on internet, Zee Cinema has acquired the satellite rights of Sye Raa for a big amount.
As per the trailer review, looks like the Sye Raa team is still hiding something mesmerizing action sequences & episodes. Also, they have not released any stills of Anushka Shetty in the Trailer. So, we can expect a big surprising elements on the big screen soon.
Sye Raa Trailer is Out | Impressive & Promising Movie with a Big Star Cast
The story is based on the true events from the life of the first Indian freedom fighter "Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy". Chiranjeevi son Ram Charan Tej is producing this movie on the banner of Konidela Production Company. The movie is said to be made with a budget of Rs.250 crore. And, this is the 2nd highest budget India movie of this year after Saaho. As per the latest news circulating on internet, Zee Cinema has acquired the satellite rights of Sye Raa for a big amount.
As per the trailer review, looks like the Sye Raa team is still hiding something mesmerizing action sequences & episodes. Also, they have not released any stills of Anushka Shetty in the Trailer. So, we can expect a big surprising elements on the big screen soon.
Read: Chiranjeevi Upcoming Movies 2021-22
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