Valmiki was produced as a remake of the 2014 Tamil movie 'Jigar Thanda'. Directed by Harish Shankar. The film stars Mega Hero Varun Tej, Pooja Hegde and Atharva in the lead roles. Varun will be seen playing the role of Ganadalakonda Ganesh in the film. After the release of the trailer along with Varun Variety Getup, Valmiki had many expectations on the movie. However, the title controversy revolved around Valmiki from the last few days from BJP party.
Both Ananthapur and Kurnool District Authorities in AP are ready to ban Valmiki screenings citing Law and order concerns after opposition from a Boya Valmiki Community. In this regard, the title has been changed to Gaddalakonda Ganesh.
'Valmiki' starring Mega Prince Varun Tej is all set to release on Friday. However, the film's title was controversial before its release. For the past couple of weeks, Valmiki movie team has been battling it out in the courts to change the title. Telangana court has sought a counter-explanation on this.
There is still a war about the title change of the film while it is being released tomorrow. There are still hardships to the film. District collector of Kurnool, Satyanarayana on Thursday issued an order to stop the release of the film in view of peace and security. The collector has warned that stringent action will be taken against theater owners who defy the court orders.
Director Harish Shankar is expected to interact with the media including producers of 14 reels entertainment ventures. However, it seems likely that the title will be changed at the last minute by the demand of Valmiki Boya community in Telugu states. As per the reports, The title of the film has been finalized & changed to 'Gaddalakonda Ganesh' now.
The movie unit feels that there is no harm in this change, as the name has already gone into the Youth with a teaser & trailer. Telangana court directors have revealed that the title will be changed to 'Ganeshakonda Ganesh'. Now the title has to be changed, which will be a big headache for the team. Let us see how the new title looks like in tomorrow's posters.
***** Valmiki Movie USA Theaters List *****
Both Ananthapur and Kurnool District Authorities in AP are ready to ban Valmiki screenings citing Law and order concerns after opposition from a Boya Valmiki Community. In this regard, the title has been changed to Gaddalakonda Ganesh.
Gaddalakonda Ganesh Has Become A New Movie Title for Valmiki
'Valmiki' starring Mega Prince Varun Tej is all set to release on Friday. However, the film's title was controversial before its release. For the past couple of weeks, Valmiki movie team has been battling it out in the courts to change the title. Telangana court has sought a counter-explanation on this.
There is still a war about the title change of the film while it is being released tomorrow. There are still hardships to the film. District collector of Kurnool, Satyanarayana on Thursday issued an order to stop the release of the film in view of peace and security. The collector has warned that stringent action will be taken against theater owners who defy the court orders.
Director Harish Shankar is expected to interact with the media including producers of 14 reels entertainment ventures. However, it seems likely that the title will be changed at the last minute by the demand of Valmiki Boya community in Telugu states. As per the reports, The title of the film has been finalized & changed to 'Gaddalakonda Ganesh' now.
The movie unit feels that there is no harm in this change, as the name has already gone into the Youth with a teaser & trailer. Telangana court directors have revealed that the title will be changed to 'Ganeshakonda Ganesh'. Now the title has to be changed, which will be a big headache for the team. Let us see how the new title looks like in tomorrow's posters.
***** Valmiki Movie USA Theaters List *****
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