Anushka Shetty has released her first look from her upcoming movie "Nishabdam". This movie is scheduled to release in 5 Indian languages. She has released the official first look of the movie through her Instagram profile "Anushkashetty Official". So, You can check the first look of her latest flick below.
Bollywood Hungama [CC BY 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Anushka fans are spellbound with the first look. This is one of the most challenging roles where Anushka Shetty has ever opted before. According to the sources, She is playing a character called Sakshi, a must artist. AnushkaShetty is a perfect choice for this role. And, the way of story selection after a big blockbuster like "Bahubali" is outstanding.
The most interesting thing about this movies is that it is set to release in 5 languages (Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi) along with English. North Indian fans of Anushka Shetty are waiting for her straight movies in Hindi language. So, this is going to be a big treat for them. The movie might be titled as "Nishabdam" in Indian regional languages and titled "Silence" in English version.
Kona Film Corporation is producing this movie along with People Media factory. Writer and Producer, Kona Venkat tweeted about the character of Anuska in Nishabdam as her Art speaks, but she can't. Are you excited?, the watch
Anushka fans are spellbound with the first look. This is one of the most challenging roles where Anushka Shetty has ever opted before. According to the sources, She is playing a character called Sakshi, a must artist. AnushkaShetty is a perfect choice for this role. And, the way of story selection after a big blockbuster like "Bahubali" is outstanding.
Anushka Shetty's Nishabdam First Look is Out in 5 Languages | Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi & English
The most interesting thing about this movies is that it is set to release in 5 languages (Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Hindi) along with English. North Indian fans of Anushka Shetty are waiting for her straight movies in Hindi language. So, this is going to be a big treat for them. The movie might be titled as "Nishabdam" in Indian regional languages and titled "Silence" in English version.
Kona Film Corporation is producing this movie along with People Media factory. Writer and Producer, Kona Venkat tweeted about the character of Anuska in Nishabdam as her Art speaks, but she can't. Are you excited?, the watch
— KonaFilmCorporation (@KonaFilmCorp) September 11, 2019According to the recent film reports, Hollywood actor Michel Madsen would be part of the film. The film also includes PAN India actor R Madhavan, Shalini Pandey and Anjali. It was also revealed that Anushka had learned sign language to make her representation more authentic. How was the first look of Silence? Comment your thoughts in the below comment box.
Anushka Shetty "Nishabdam" Cast & Crew
Nishabdam Movie | Cast & Crew |
Starring | Anushka Shetty, R Madhavan, Michael Madsen, Shalini Pandey, Anjali, Subba Raju and others |
Story, Screenplay, and Direction | Hemant Madhurkar |
Producer | TG Vishwa Prasad, vivek kuchibhotla |
Banner | Kona Film Corporation and People Media Factory |
Music | Gopi Sunder |
Writer | Kona Venkat |
Release Date | To be Announced |
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